“Two heads are better than one.”
“Power in numbers...”
“T.E.A.M. = together everyone achieves more…”
The clichés and idioms are countless, and it’s certainly nothing new
to propose that collaboration and cooperation among diverse players can lead to
great results. At the core of the Literacy Coalition of Central Texas, we strive
to create and maintain collaborative partnerships with fellow agencies across
Central Texas for the sake of improving quality and availability of literacy services.
But have you ever stopped and asked- Who says this is how things should get done?
are we measuring that a coalition is in fact a ‘best choice’ vehicle to foster
increased community capacity for social change?
Why do these questions exist? Because measuring the impact of a
coalition is complex and few evaluation tools have been designed to measure the
multi-level realities of community coalitions.
LCCT interacts with community direct services, program management,
organizational management and policy at city, county and national levels. So where do we measure from? How do we assess
the big picture for what we are doing?
While LCCT believes in the good work we are achieving, and we have
much to show for our efforts already- more hard data is always ideal.
LCCT is excited to announce a new project that will seek to tackle
the challenges of assessing our big picture impact. We have designed a two part
assessment tool in the form of an online survey that will be administered to
our 50+ partner agencies. This tool was designed in consideration of best
practices research for literacy services as well as in reflection of similar initiatives/projects
ongoing within the health sector.
We are excited to be in the process of administering Part 1 of the
survey at this time.
Part 2 will be administered in June 2012.
In August this year we will have a wealth of knowledge gathered
from our partner agencies to report back out to the community and to guide
future practice within the coalition.
If you would like more details about the tool, or to view a copy
of this tool, you can contact Emily Pulley at epulley@willread.org.
Stay tuned for exciting new insights into the big picture impact
of LCCT in the Central Texas area!