July 18, 2011

Learner Web Turns 50!!

No not really. At least not in terms of age. But last week we did reach the milestone of 50 learners enrolled in the project, and that's something to celebrate!! When I first joined the Coalition and was handed this nebulous project with the basic instructions, "Here, run with it!" I had no idea what to expect. I didn't have a clear vision as to what Learner Web was or how it could be most beneficial to our partner agencies and the community at large. I couldn't really define 'digital literacy' much less talk to others about the need for increased computer literacy in Central Texas.
Now that we've got a full quarter of implementation under our belt, we're at the very beginning stages of seeing the fruits of our labor take shape. The ambiguity is gone, and we're growing by the day! We've brought on partners beyond the initial implementation team and we've trained almost 40 Learner Web tutors (affectionately referred to as CLICs or Computer Literacy & Internet Coaches). These CLICs have spent over 150 hours in the computer lab helping learners. Now that's a whole lot of giving!